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  When  RemoteAccess exits to DOS either after a user logs off
  or  because  of  a menu type 15 "Exit to  DOS"  function  it
  returns  an errorlevel that your batchfile should  test  for
  and act on accordingly:

  Errorlevel  Meaning
  ----------  -------

      0       User logged off OK,  default value.  Note - this
              can  be  overridden  with the  -E  command  line

      1       Initialisation error - couldn't  find the FOSSIL
              driver, or the modem failed to initialise.

      2       Special error condition;  used for Beta versions

      3       The  user  entered one or more NetMail  messages
              during the session.  The message base should  be
              scanned for outgoing NetMail.

      4       The  user entered one or more EchoMail  messages
              during  the session.  The message base should be
              scanned for outgoing EchoMail.

      5       Both NetMail AND EchoMail messages were entered.                  .

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson